Research themes

The new UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE-AgroParisTech, is organized around three thematic axes – Sustainable diets, Agricultural markets and agri-food chains, and Sustainable production systems – and two transversal axes – Evaluation of public policies, and Quantitative data and methods.

Research areas

Agricultural and agrifood industries

The Agricultural markets and agri-food chains division analyzes the consequences of changes (input prices, regulations) on international agricultural markets and along the production chain, from agricultural raw materials markets to distribution. This research relates to industrial organization and international trade, and intersects in an original way with development economics and demand economics.

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Sustainable diets

In the Sustainable Diets area, work is focused on analyzing the possible conditions for changing diets, in a context of increasing product differentiation. The aim is to understand the determinants of consumer food behavior, and their consequences on demand, social inequalities, health and the environment.

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Sustainable production systems

Research into sustainable production systems models the relationship between the supply of agricultural products and the environment. It is based on theoretical work (environmental economics and public economics) and applied at different scales (landscape, France, EU), taking into account the spatial and inter-individual heterogeneity of production conditions. Adaptation to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions play a central role.

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Transverse axes

Evaluation of public policies

Public policy evaluation. The evaluation of public policies concerns all three thematic areas. Regulations may concern different levels of the food system: farmers, agri-food companies, distributors, consumers. The evaluations carried out are prospective (ex ante) or retrospective (ex post), and the answers provided are largely based on empirical research.

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Quantitative data and methodologies

Data and quantitative methods. Data and the quantitative methods associated with their processing are essential to research in the economic and social sciences. This research aims to assess the economic efficiency of public policies using theoretical analyses and quantitative methods such as econometrics, experimental economics and market equilibrium modelling. This effort to quantify economic impacts is supported by the creation of databases using the Odalim platform.

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